Posts tagged business hub Dubai
What Are The 11 Key Considerations When Setting Up A Business In The UAE?

Setting up a business in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) involves careful planning, here are some essential factors to keep in mind:

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Confessions of a Real Estate Agent June 2018

The recent announcement of the ten-year visa and 100% foreign ownership of expatriate businesses is a continuation of this planning. Though many in the media reacted with surprise to the news, it had been planned for several years, anticipating a time when it was required to be implemented to meet a need within the community.

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UK businesses regain paradise in Dubai

Businesses in the UK are keen to explore new markets and talent pools in the wake of Brexit and they consider Dubai as one of the best options to expand their operations in the region, according to a report.

The Dubai Multi-Commodities Centre (DMCC), one of the world's leading free zones for commodities trade and enterprise, in its latest report said 27 per cent of British firms have a greater appetite for international business expansion during the post-Brexit period.

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